Download the turing test verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence
Download the turing test verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence

download the turing test verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence

The fact remains that intelligence, especially if it is artificial, is still the subject of many debates, some going so far as to declare that “Artificial intelligence doesn’t exist”. There are undoubtedly many possible definitions of AI, and, failing to find a simple and unique one, which covers the whole spectrum of reasoning and cognition, it is nevertheless possible to indicate its objective: “The objective of artificial intelligence is, in the long term, to have everything that man can do in terms of reasoning done by a computer system (Ladrière) ”. The idea is to produce an identical or similar performance in a machine for the logical and noetic abilities (from the Greek logos, reason, speech, and noesis, thought) said wrongly or rightly “superior”. The possible substitution of the machine for the human as regards the mind functions has been the heart of the research program on Artificial Intelligence (AI) since the outset. One can suggest several options for this kind of test and also point out some conditions and limits to the very idea of the Humaniter as an artificial human. But for the Humaniter not to be regarded as a mere myth, any intelligent or sentient machine must pass through a Test of Humanity that refers to or that differs from the Turing Test. In other words, the challenge of technology if this possible shift is taken seriously is to move from the paradigm of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to that of Artificial Sentience (AS). In the wake of the opposition of Strong AI and Weak AI, this challenge can be expressed in terms of a shift from the performance of intelligence (reason, reasoning, cognition, judgment) to that of sentience (experience, sensation, emotion, consciousness).

download the turing test verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence

This view merges the idea of the Humaniter, a longstanding myth in the history of technology: an artificial creature that thinks, acts and feels like a human to the point that one cannot make the difference between the two. However, the pervasion of machines in everyday life requires that the non-humans are increasingly closer in their abilities to the ordinary thought, action and behaviour of the humans. The main challenge of technology is to facilitate the tasks and to transfer the functions that are usually performed by the humans to the non-humans.

Download the turing test verbal behavior as the hallmark of intelligence