British destroyers - world of warships
British destroyers - world of warships

british destroyers - world of warships

With its title shortened to destroyer, the type evolved rapidly and was soon in service in many navies, but in none was the evolution as rapid or as radical as in the Royal Navy. From these efforts came torpedo catchers, torpedo-gunboats and eventually the torpedo-boat destroyer, a type so successful that it eclipsed and then usurped the torpedo-boat itself. The Royal Navy was also quick to adopt the new weapon, but the British concentrated on developing counters to the essentially offensive tactics associated with torpedo-carrying small craft. Not surprisingly, Britain’s traditional rivals invested heavily in the new technology that promised to overthrow the naval status quo. For the first time a relatively cheap weapon had the potential to sink the largest, and costliest, exponents of sea power. In the late nineteenth century the advent of the modern torpedo woke the Royal Navy to a potent threat to its domination, not seriously challenged since Trafalgar. The unpopularity of IFHE on tier 9-10 DD's apart from the ones I mentioned is because they do perfectly fine without it and the benefit from IFHE is marginal at best and you have better use for 4 points elsewhere.A history of the early days of Royal Navy destroyers, and how they evolved to meet new military threats. On them IFHE is virtually mandatory since without it you can't pen DD hulls and BB superstructures, as the HE has such low base penetration. Jutland and Daring is a bit more complicated. They will perform well without but IFHE gives them that much more firepower.

british destroyers - world of warships

Kita and Haru gain the benefit of penetrating 32 mm armour which boost the damage output greatly. IFHE is extremely useful on 4 DD's at tier 9-10 in particular, those beeing the Kitakaze, Harugumo, Daring and Jutland. Have you changed your mind about this since posting this video? My aiming isn't really good enough to be sure if it makes a difference one way or the other, so your thoughts would be appreciated. I notice you use IFHE, whereas it seems to be unpopular with other players at this tier.

British destroyers - world of warships